Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Enduro Africa 2009 Itinerary Mash-up

Go ahead - click the blue pins, scroll in/out, switch views from satellite to map to terrain. It all works!

Enlarge map Credit: andrewsenduroafrica2009.blogspot.com


Sam said...

This is awesome Andrew, thanks for putting together the Southbound one too, I've posted it on my site!

Andrew said...

Thanks, Sam! Glad to help. And we'll try not to thrash the bikes too hard before we turn them over to you guys in the second cohort! Something tells me, however, that the riders will be the ones who'll get thrashed.

Andrew said...

Here's the link for the Southbound leg, if any one's wondering: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=104209064213125448722.00046ed59efec2dcc298c&z=2

Anonymous said...

Was searching by hand the sat view around waypoint/day 3 (Addo) for elephants at the Addo Elephant Park, when a very clever friend/colleague suggested that I use the "search nearby" option instead! Very clever, indeed!