Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to make a map with Google Maps

Since so many have asked how I made a Google Maps and Enduro Africa Itinarary mashup, I thought I'd simply point readers to a brief video demonstrating how to make one's own map.

And trust me, these things are simple, useful, and very cool. I have a collection of maps for motorcycle rides, hangouts in D.C., and general maps for new cities I've visited (don't you hate finding something interesting on a trip and then never quite remembering where it was?).

Best of all, there's a mobile version of Google with a "search nearby" feature on its maps program that works with your phone's GPS system to pinpoint your location in real time.

It's worked in every city I've been to in the past year, large or small, international or domestic. Anyone with a smart phone and who travels a bit need never again be lost or at a loss to find the best local poutine, crocodile kabobs, or meza.

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