Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fundraising deadline: $500 by Tuesday 3/31

Last week, I received a prompt from my handlers at Enduro Africa reminding me of yet another fundraising target and deadline. Having registered and started fundraising late, I thought I would be exempt from these “guidelines.” Not so.

February and March have certainly been excellent months for raising funds, and I send another heartfelt thank you to my friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues who have already answered the call.

I know that there are many others out there who love the idea of me doing EA and who want to contribute to the work that
UNICEF, Sentebale, TouchAfrica and the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund are doing in Southern Africa, especially with respect to improving HIV prevention, care, and support to those most vulnerable to the disease.

So, if you haven’t contributed yet,
please do so now. With your help, I’ll make my goal of raising an additional $500 by Tuesday, March 31st.

Best of all, I’m expecting any day now a package of customized, embroidered Enduro Africa t-shirts and I plan to give one to every person who contributes $100 or more to my ride.

So, as they sing in Rent:
No day but today.

And stay tuned. The adventure continues.

Addendum: Only $250 more to go! I'll send everyone who donates between now and tomorrow (3/31) one of my new customized EA tees, regardless the amount! So come one, come all. And thanks.

Addendum 2: Ok, troops. We're down to $150 more to get to my goal. Thanks so much to Kenna and Sara, who just weighed in. Remember: Custom EA tees to anyone who donates between now and tomorrow, regardless of amount! So, step right up. Don't be shy...

Addendum 3: We did it! Thanks to many of you, I raised an additional $650 for EA's charities! I'm just delighted. Tees will be sent to everyone who donated during the 3/31 fund drive. For those of you who missed the deadline, contributions will be welcome through July, when all fundraising ceases. The next target is to get to $3750 sometime in early May. Again, a heartfelt thanks to all who answered the call. As always, stay tuned for pics and updates of my off-road training, trip planning, and assorted news. The adventure continues...


Andrew said...

And thanks to my sister, Kim, and her husband, Robert, I have only $400 left to raise by Tuesday. Thanks so much you guys. I promise to deliver the first EA t-shirt to you guys.

Andrew said...

And thanks now to my other sister, Jessica, and her family, and our good friend Deborah and her family. I'm now 50% toward my March 31st goal of an additional $500!! Thank you, everyone. Really.

Andrew said...

And finally, many warm thanks to Jeanette, Pilgrim, Kenna, Sara, Tom, and my pa, Scott, for helping to meet my goal. I'm just thrilled.