Saturday, January 24, 2009

T-1 to Launching Day

After a week of building or modifying the e-infrastructure needed to support my fundraising and communication plans, I'm one day away from launching day. This involved setting up this blog, updating my PayPal account, and creating a donation widget that permits and processes securely online payments. Several steps remain, including the development of outreach plans for local businesses, friends, and family who do not live online like the rest of us. Will I succeed in raising $10k? Stay tuned. We'll find out together.


*7* said...

Hi Andrew!
What wonderful work & play you and E do to raise awareness. Wishing you good travel thoughts...!

Will you make it to Botswana? One of our students/future colleagues is living (& from) there and working on her dissertation on HIV community based interventions.

Andrew said...

Hi there, Gemma. Thanks for the encouragement. I don't think this year's ride will take us into Botswana. Just South Africa and Lesotho. I'll post the route in the future. Perhaps you should share my work contact info with your friend and colleague, if s/he is looking for grant support. Between NIH and CDC, there's a lot of interest in Botswana. Warm wishes to you and the fam.